Hello, stranger.

I’m Rafaela Ferro, frontend developer & designer. Currently living in Coimbra, Portugal and working at SingleStore.


Running a marathon in 6 months — Part 5

The marathon day, last weeks of training, plus a few notes about the costs of this experiment and how my body adapted while preparing for a marathon.

19 September 2024  ●  7 min read

Running a marathon in 6 months — Part 4

Twenty weeks of training for a marathon: my first running injury and participating in half marathon events.

10 June 2024  ●  6 min read

Running a marathon in 6 months — Part 3

An unexpected week off from training, my first half-marathon, and a short Q&A.

19 Apr 2024  ●  6 min read

Running a marathon in 6 months — Part 2

My first physiotherapy session, adjustments to my training plan, and first 10km running event.

11 Mar 2024  ●  5 min read

2023 Books in Review

In 2023, I read more books in a year than ever before. The main reason my reading habits finally picked up was getting myself...

29 Feb 2024  ●  10 min read

Running a marathon in 6 months — Part 1

My running background, plan and goals, and a recap of milestones and struggles after the first month of training.

10 Feb 2024  ●  6 min read

Making sure you land that summer internship.

Summer is coming and with it the internships season.

2 May 2020  ●  7 min read

Demystifying Accessibility: Do only highly disabled people benefit from it?

February 2019  ●  3 min read

Death camp —
Journal of a trip to Auschwitz and Birkenau.

December 2018  ●  11 min read

CSS Grid — Responsive layouts and components.
A responsive photo gallery using very few lines of CSS.

3 May 2018  ●  11 min read

CSS Grid layout — crossed sections.
An introduction to CSS Grid and its potential with a practical example.

31 January 2018  ●  7 min read

Projects | Play room


Jukebox preview

A music calendar curated by strangers.


Lisbon.ai preview

Artificial inteligence conferece I co-organized.

The Zain Talks

The Zain Talks preview

Design Meetup in Coimbra I co-organize.

Travel book

Travel book preview

Photographic journal of trips around the world.

Device Lab

Deemaze Device preview

Deemaze's Open Device Lab platform design.

My album

Photo Album preview

Some pictures taken around the world.



Demystifying Accessibility

Why we need to stop avoiding accessibility and how to start integrating an empathy-driven process in software teams. In these sessions, we look at actionable low-cost tips, tricks, and best practices to make our digital products more inclusive, without jeopardizing roadmaps and budgets.



Build Components From Scratch

Hands-on building a React component end-to-end, from the UI design to automated testing.

Intro to CSS Grid

Build components and layouts leveraging some of the best features of CSS Grid.

  • Department of Informatics Engineering — University of Coimbra

    March 2018

Typography 101

Introduction to typography concepts and best practices, with a hands-on exercise on Adobe InDesign.